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Author: Natalka Antoniuk

Natalka Antoniuk is a Content Writer at Quadrant2Design. She has spent years creating SEO friendly content for the web and it has taught her a trick or two about Google’s illusive algorithm. She has been published in G2, SitePro News and Cascade Business News.
As if 2020 wasn’t bad enough already, Google has let us know about an upcoming algorithm update that will most definitely send SEO guru’s into a frenzy. Whenever Google roll out an update, everyone panics. It’s no wonder when a one position drop in your search rankings means you can lose 80% of your organic traffic. This time it’s different. Usually, we have no idea when Google is planning to update its algorithm. The SEO tools are pretty good at picking up inferences that suggest an update. But in most cases, we have no time to prepare and no idea…