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Author: Michelle

For anybody who is trying to grow or take a business to the next level luckily, there’s Michelle Weinstein This time-tested entrepreneur has the unique ability to help you immediately identify business strengths to create a unique plan of action. More importantly, she helps you zero in on the hidden trip wires that keep you from achieving your financial dreams.
You’ve heard it before. “Believe in yourself”. Trust yourself first. All of that positive self-talk. It’s almost cliche, isn’t it? There was that one time I went on this little show called “Shark Tank”. Yep, you read that right! Now, here’s the thing: at the time I had no business being on a show like that. My company, FITzee Foods, had only just gotten started. At the time I didn’t even have any real-live products to show them (our protein bars were only cardboard prototypes at the time. Tasty, right?) But I applied anyway. I got the support and the…