Browsing: Tips

Why do you need to write a business plan? Well, for starters, an effective business plan can help you acquire funding from investors and banks because it…

Do your family and friends incessantly ask you to bring those delicious cupcakes to get-togethers? Are your brownies the talk…

Changing jobs is one of the most stressful events. That’s why it’s no surprise that many people keep jobs that…

Most small businesses at some point or another will need more working capital than the company itself can supply. Fortunately, there are…

Small business loans from traditional lenders may be one of the most recognized forms of business funding, but they are certainly not…

Asset-based loans have traditionally been considered last-ditch financing options for business owners. Yet in today’s changing financial climate, there may be…

Many companies need a helping hand when they are struggling to tide them over until business picks up. A bridge loan is…

Venture capital is a buzzphrase these days among entrepreneurs. Young companies that have secured business funding from venture capital are seen as rising…

When your company is ready to move to the next level, securing business funding is often the key to success. Venture capital can…